
Log Analytics Agent deprecation - Prepare for the end

Log Analytics Agent deprecation - Prepare for the end

Blogpost about the deprecation of the Log Analytics VM agent for Azure Spring Clean 2024

Erlend Rushfeldt
On the 31st of August 2024, Microsoft will deprecate the Log Analytics VM Agent. This change has been announced years ago, but still many are not prepared. How can you assess your environment and migrate to the Azure Monitor Agent before the agent will stop working. In this 2 part blog service, we will look at how you can find and migrate away from the Log Analytics Agent before the VM extension gets deprecated.
Santa´s Magic Cost Management Automation

Santa´s Magic Cost Management Automation

My contribution for Festive Tech Calendar 2023

Erlend Rushfeldt
This blogpost is posted in correlation with the Festive Tech Calendar. Festive Tech Calendar is a community event that goes on through the whole of December. The event is raising donations for the Raspberry PI Foundation. The Raspberry PI Foundation is a charity that help children learn to code. Please checkout the Just Giving page and the Festive Tech Calendar. Santa’s workshop has changed immensely the last 10 years. With kids wanting iPhones, PlayStations or the newest Fortnite battle pass.
Automate common cost optimizations

Automate common cost optimizations

Blog post for Azure back to school 2023

Erlend Rushfeldt
Most of the common Azure cost optimizations are quick-fixes. These could include Public IPs that have been forgotten, VM Snapshots that have been lying around for too long or VMs that are stopped, but not deallocated. To have good cost hygiene in your environment, you could automate this using Azure Automation. In this article, I will show you how to automate common cost optimizations. Please check out Azure Back to School for more good content from the Azure Community
Cost Optmization in the Wild

Cost Optmization in the Wild

A collection of code used in presentation of Cloud Optimization in the wild

Erlend Rushfeldt
Here is a collection of snippets of code used in the “Cost Optimization in the wild! - Experiences from reducing costs” presentation. If you are missing any snippets of code used in a demo, or if you have any other question, feel free to message me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Orphaned disks Old Snapshots App Gateways and Load Balancers Storage v1 App Service Plans Orphaned disks KQL to find disks resources | where type == "microsoft.
Reduce your Azure cost by finding unused resources

Reduce your Azure cost by finding unused resources

As a contribution for Azure Spring Clean, I wrote a blogpost about how to use KQL to find orphaned resources to help reduce your cloud waste.

Erlend Rushfeldt
In Microsoft’s Well-Architected Framework there is a pillar for Cost Optimization. Some of the principals for optimizing cost are to continuously look for and clean up orphaned resources like disks and public IPs. In this blog I will show you some KQL queries that will help you find these resources and considerations you should take before cleaning them up. You can then use these queries in an Azure Workbook or dashboard to continuously review your environment.
Help Santa Secure His Naughty List

Help Santa Secure His Naughty List

This year I am a part of the Festive Tech Calendar and this blogpost is about securing secrets in Bicep deployments, with a festive twist.

Erlend Rushfeldt
Even on the North Pole they must adopt new technologies, and Santa has started using Bicep to deploy his list of this year’s presents. Last year, Santa got a huge fine from the North pole Data Protection Authority after he committed the full naughty list into source control in a public repository. This year, Santa needs help with securing his secrets in Bicep templates during deployments! Before I start the blogpost, I want to give a shoutout to the organizers of the Festive Tech Calendar for the amazing work they do!
Run scripts on VMs after deployment with Bicep

Run scripts on VMs after deployment with Bicep

Do configuration management on your VMs in Azure with post-deployment scripts using Run Commands and Bicep.

Erlend Rushfeldt
Bicep is an IaC-language which is created by Microsoft for Azure. Therefore, it does not have capabilities to do configuration management of Virtual machines directly. There are however ways to do some level of desired state configuration (DSC) on OS-level of Virtual machines using another Azure service. This service is Run Commands! Note that there is other services like Azure Automation and Azure Automanage that do DSC, but this blogpost is about Run Commands.
Query Azure Policy Compliance results using KQL

Query Azure Policy Compliance results using KQL

How do you get more information about your Azure policy compliance?

Erlend Rushfeldt
Last blogpost I showed you an Azure Policy that checked for a SQL server firewall rule. The results would be a compliance view in Azure Policy. After the blogpost, me and Dennes Torres had a chat about the results you get in the compliance view. The problem: you don’t get the resource ID or resource name for the SQL server with the setting on. This isn’t really a problem if you have only one not-compliant resource, but if you have several, it becomes tedious.
The SQL Server AllowAllAzureIps setting

The SQL Server AllowAllAzureIps setting

The story about a deep dive into Azure SQL firewall rules and the setting AllowAllAzureIps

Erlend Rushfeldt
This is going to be a longer one. You have been warned! This adventure started last week when I attended the Azure User Group Norway with a session on Azure SQL networking secrets by Dennes Torres. Dennes showed a setting in the firewall rules on Azure SQL server that said, “Allow Azure services and resources to access this server”. Now you might think “Yeah, I need that for my App Service to access the database”, but in reality, this setting will allow ALL Azure IPs to access the SQL server!
Introduction to Automanage

Introduction to Automanage

Get a intro to Azure Automanage and set-up best practice configuration for you new and existing VMs.

Erlend Rushfeldt
What if you could make configuring the supporting services of your VMs so much easier? And without needing to assign and manage several policies. This is where Azure Automanage comes flying in like the savior you always needed! What is Automanage? Automanage is as simple as a configuration profile that you apply to your VMs that will automatically configure the services that are best practice for VMs in Azure. For example, Azure Log Analytics and Azure Backup.