Cost Optmization in the Wild

A collection of code used in presentation of Cloud Optimization in the wild

Cost Optmization in the Wild

Here is a collection of snippets of code used in the “Cost Optimization in the wild! - Experiences from reducing costs” presentation. If you are missing any snippets of code used in a demo, or if you have any other question, feel free to message me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

  1. Orphaned disks
  2. Old Snapshots
  3. App Gateways and Load Balancers
  4. Storage v1
  5. App Service Plans

Orphaned disks

KQL to find disks

| where type == "microsoft.compute/disks" and properties.managedBy == ""
| where not(name endswith "-ASRReplica" or name startswith "ms-asr-" or name startswith "asrseeddisk-")
| project name,location,resourceGroup,subscriptionId,DiskSku=sku.tier,DiskSize=properties.diskSizeGB

Old Snapshots

KQL to find Old Snapshots

| where type == "microsoft.compute/snapshots"
| where properties.timeCreated <= ago(60d)
| project name,location,resourceGroup,subscriptionId,diskSizeGB=properties.diskSizeGB,,Timecreated=properties.timeCreated

Logic app to notify about Old snapshots

    "definition": {
        "$schema": "",
        "actions": {
            "HTTP_2": {
                "inputs": {
                    "authentication": {
                        "type": "ManagedServiceIdentity"
                    "body": {
                        "query": "resources | where type == 'microsoft.compute/snapshots' | where properties.timeCreated >= ago(60d) | project name,location,resourceGroup,subscriptionId,diskSizeGB=properties.diskSizeGB,,Timecreated=properties.timeCreated"
                    "headers": {
                        "Content-Type": "application/json"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "queries": {
                        "api-version": "2021-03-01"
                    "uri": ""
                "runAfter": {},
                "type": "Http"
        "contentVersion": "",
        "outputs": {},
        "parameters": {},
        "triggers": {
            "Recurrence": {
                "evaluatedRecurrence": {
                    "frequency": "Week",
                    "interval": 1
                "recurrence": {
                    "frequency": "Week",
                    "interval": 1
                "type": "Recurrence"
    "parameters": {}

Load Balancers and App GW

KQL to find App Gateways without backend pools

| where type == ""
| extend backendpool=parse_json(properties.backendAddressPools)
| mv-expand backendpool
| where backendpool.['properties.backendAddresses'] == ""
| project name,location,resourceGroup,subscriptionId,

KQL to find Load Balancers without backend pools

| where type == "" and  properties.backendAddressPools == "[]"
| extend pipId=parse_json(properties.frontendIPConfigurations[0]
| project name,location,resourceGroup,subscriptionId,,pipId

Storage v1

KQL to find Storage accounts with storage v1

| where type == "" and ['kind'] == "Storage"
| project name,location,resourceGroup,subscriptionId,kind

Azure Policy to block storage v1

"policyRule": {
  "if": {
    "allOf": [
        "field": "type",
        "equals": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
        "field": "kind",
        "equals": "Storage"
  "then": {
    "effect": "deny"

App service plans

KQL to find App Service Plans without apps

| where type == "microsoft.web/serverfarms" and properties.kind != "functionapp" and properties.numberOfSites == 0
| project name,resourceGroup,location,subscriptionId,,kind

PowerShell to find stopped web apps

$stoppedWAs = Get-AzWebApp | Where-Object {($_.State -EQ "Stopped") -and ($_.Kind -ne "functionapp")}

foreach($stoppedWA in $stoppedWAs) {
    $stoppedWAASP = Get-azappserviceplan | Where-Object Id -EQ $stoppedWA.ServerFarmId