Cost Management

Santa´s Magic Cost Management Automation

Santa´s Magic Cost Management Automation

My contribution for Festive Tech Calendar 2023

Erlend Rushfeldt
This blogpost is posted in correlation with the Festive Tech Calendar. Festive Tech Calendar is a community event that goes on through the whole of December. The event is raising donations for the Raspberry PI Foundation. The Raspberry PI Foundation is a charity that help children learn to code. Please checkout the Just Giving page and the Festive Tech Calendar. Santa’s workshop has changed immensely the last 10 years. With kids wanting iPhones, PlayStations or the newest Fortnite battle pass.
Reduce your Azure cost by finding unused resources

Reduce your Azure cost by finding unused resources

As a contribution for Azure Spring Clean, I wrote a blogpost about how to use KQL to find orphaned resources to help reduce your cloud waste.

Erlend Rushfeldt
In Microsoft’s Well-Architected Framework there is a pillar for Cost Optimization. Some of the principals for optimizing cost are to continuously look for and clean up orphaned resources like disks and public IPs. In this blog I will show you some KQL queries that will help you find these resources and considerations you should take before cleaning them up. You can then use these queries in an Azure Workbook or dashboard to continuously review your environment.