Azure Spring Clean

Log Analytics Agent deprecation - Prepare for the end

Log Analytics Agent deprecation - Prepare for the end

Blogpost about the deprecation of the Log Analytics VM agent for Azure Spring Clean 2024

Erlend Rushfeldt
On the 31st of August 2024, Microsoft will deprecate the Log Analytics VM Agent. This change has been announced years ago, but still many are not prepared. How can you assess your environment and migrate to the Azure Monitor Agent before the agent will stop working. In this 2 part blog service, we will look at how you can find and migrate away from the Log Analytics Agent before the VM extension gets deprecated.
Reduce your Azure cost by finding unused resources

Reduce your Azure cost by finding unused resources

As a contribution for Azure Spring Clean, I wrote a blogpost about how to use KQL to find orphaned resources to help reduce your cloud waste.

Erlend Rushfeldt
In Microsoft’s Well-Architected Framework there is a pillar for Cost Optimization. Some of the principals for optimizing cost are to continuously look for and clean up orphaned resources like disks and public IPs. In this blog I will show you some KQL queries that will help you find these resources and considerations you should take before cleaning them up. You can then use these queries in an Azure Workbook or dashboard to continuously review your environment.